Top 50 छोटे संस्कृत श्लोक | One-Line Sanskrit Shlokas for Daily Use

Top 50 Short Sanskrit Shlokas (One-Line) for Daily Recitation | छोटे संस्कृत श्लोक

Top 50 Short Sanskrit Shlokas (One-Line) for Daily Recitation | छोटे संस्कृत श्लोक

Sanskrit shlokas are more than just words; they carry deep wisdom and timeless truths. Whether you’re searching for spiritual growth, guidance, or inspiration, these shlokas can transform your life. Welcome to, your number one destination for discovering ancient knowledge through these precious verses. Today, we bring you 50 profound shlokas that not only teach life lessons but also hold great spiritual significance.

Why Sanskrit Shlokas Matter in Today’s World

Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas, the Upanishads, and many other ancient Indian scriptures. It’s revered for its precision and beauty, and shlokas are its most powerful tool to convey complex concepts with simplicity. By studying shlokas, you connect with an ancient tradition that has shaped Indian spirituality and culture for thousands of years.

Top 50 Short Sanskrit Shlokas for Everyday Wisdom

  1. धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
    • Meaning: Dharma (righteousness) protects those who protect it.
  2. सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं
    • Meaning: Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood.
  3. अहिंसा परमो धर्मः
    • Meaning: Non-violence is the greatest virtue.
  4. वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्
    • Meaning: The whole world is one family.
  5. मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः
    • Meaning: The mind alone is the cause of bondage and liberation.
  6. नास्ति बुद्धिरयुक्तस्य न चायुक्तस्य भावना
    • Meaning: A person without disciplined intellect cannot meditate.
  7. विद्या ददाति विनयं
    • Meaning: Knowledge gives humility.
  8. क्षमा वीरस्य भूषणम्
    • Meaning: Forgiveness is the ornament of the brave.
  9. सत्यमेव जयते
    • Meaning: Truth always prevails.
  10. शरणागत: परित्राणं

छोटे संस्कृत श्लोक | Top 50 One-Line Sanskrit Shlokas for Daily Recitation

  1. सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः
  • Meaning: May all be happy; may all be free from illness.
  1. कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन
  • Meaning: You have a right to perform your duty, but not to the fruits of your actions.
  1. न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
  • Meaning: There is nothing as purifying as knowledge in this world.
  1. क्षान्तिर्मत्सरहीनता
  • Meaning: Forgiveness is a sign of being free from envy.
  1. ध्यानं निर्विशेषं शिवकल्पमनन्तम्
  • Meaning: Meditation is the path to endless bliss and liberation.
  1. श्रीमद्भागवते गीता: शान्ति: परमा धर्मात्मा
  • Meaning: True peace belongs to those who follow the highest dharma.
  1. अन्नं न निन्द्यात्
  • Meaning: One should never disrespect food.
  1. यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत
  • Meaning: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness, O Arjuna, I manifest Myself.
  1. श्रीराम जय राम जय जय राम
  • Meaning: Glory to Lord Rama, the embodiment of righteousness.
  1. महात्मनः तु मां पार्थ दैवीं प्रकृतिमाश्रिताः

Shlokas on Spirituality and Devotion

  1. सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म
  • Meaning: All of this is Brahman (the ultimate reality).
  1. ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति
  • Meaning: The Lord resides in the hearts of all beings.
  1. विज्ञानसारथिः शुभ्रः प्रकाशे करुणाप्लुतः
  • Meaning: The one with knowledge, filled with compassion, moves towards light.
  1. श्रीकृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने
  • Meaning: To Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, who is the Supreme Soul, I bow.
  1. हरे राम हरे राम, राम राम हरे हरे
  • Meaning: A popular devotional chant to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.
  1. तस्मात्सर्वेषु कालेषु मामनुस्मर युध्य च
  • Meaning: Therefore, at all times, remember Me and fight.
  1. मनो बुद्ध्यहंकार चित्तानि नाहम्
  • Meaning: I am neither the mind, intellect, ego, nor memory.
  1. शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
  • Meaning: I am Shiva, I am Shiva.
  1. ॐ तत्सदिति निर्देशो ब्रह्मणस्त्रिविधः स्मृतः
  • Meaning: “Om Tat Sat” is declared to be the threefold designation of Brahman.
  1. असतो मा सद्गमय, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

Shlokas on Knowledge and Learning

  1. विद्या ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्
  • Meaning: Knowledge gives humility, humility brings worthiness.
  1. अविद्याया मृत्युम् तीर्त्वा विद्यया अमृतम् अश्नुते
  • Meaning: Through ignorance, one crosses over death; through knowledge, one attains immortality.
  1. न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
  • Meaning: There is nothing as purifying as knowledge.
  1. न बुद्धिभेदं जनयेत् अज्ञानां कर्मसङ्गिनाम्
  • Meaning: Do not confuse the ignorant by teaching them beyond their capacity.
  1. तज्ज्ञानं प्राप्यि पुमान् भवेद् निर्दुःखम्
  • Meaning: By attaining true knowledge, a person becomes free from sorrow.
  1. प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म
  • Meaning: Pure consciousness is Brahman.
  1. विद्या विनय सम्पन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि
  • Meaning: A learned and humble person sees all beings as equal.
  1. विनाशकाले विपरीत बुद्धिः
  • Meaning: At the time of destruction, the intellect works in reverse.
  1. सर्वं ज्ञानं मयि विराजते
  • Meaning: All knowledge resides within me.
  1. धर्मो विश्वस्य जगतः प्रतिष्ठा

Shlokas on Health and Wellbeing

  1. आरोग्यम् परमं भाग्यम्
  • Meaning: Health is the greatest blessing.
  1. शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम्
  • Meaning: The body is the primary means for performing dharma.
  1. चक्षुः सूर्यो अजायत
  • Meaning: The sun was born as the eye of the universe.
  1. सर्वं ओजः
  • Meaning: Vital energy is present in everything.
  1. स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं
  • Meaning: Maintaining the health of the healthy and curing the diseased is the purpose of Ayurveda.
  1. वात-पित्त-कफाः शरीरत्रयम्
  • Meaning: The body is governed by three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
  1. न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
  • Meaning: There is nothing as purifying as knowledge.
  1. योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः
  • Meaning: Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.
  1. सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः
  • Meaning: May all be free from illness.
  1. रोगस्तु दूरस्थः एव!

Conclusion: Why Should Be Your First Choice for ‘Shlok’

At, we have curated a vast library of Sanskrit shlokas with accurate translations and easy explanations. We make these timeless verses accessible to everyone while focusing on user experience and content quality. Our goal is to make Sanskrit shlokas a part of your daily life and spiritual practice. Let these shlokas guide your life, inspire your mind, and open your heart to the ancient wisdom of Sanskrit. SEE ALSO: रामायण तुलसीदास :

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