Shlokas for Peace and Harmony

शांति श्लोक (Shanti Shlokas) for Peace and Harmony

शांति श्लोक (Shanti Shlokas) for Peace and Harmony

  1. शांति श्लोक (Shanti Shlokas) for Peace and Harmony
  2. ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
    सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥

    Transliteration: Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaah।
    Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet॥
    Meaning: May all beings be happy, may all be healthy; May all experience prosperity, may none suffer in any way.
  3. ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
    मृत्योर् मा अमृतं गमय॥

    Transliteration: Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya, Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya।
    Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya॥
    Meaning: Lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, and from death to immortality.
  4. ॐ द्यौः शान्तिः अन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः पृथ्वी शान्तिः।
    आपः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः वनस्पतयः शान्तिः॥

    Transliteration: Om Dyauh Shaantih Antariksham Shaantih Prithvi Shaantih।
    Aapah Shaantir-Oshadhayah Shaantih Vanaspatayah Shaantih॥
    Meaning: May peace be in the skies, may peace reign on earth, may peace fill the waters and herbs.
  5. शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं।
    विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम्॥

    Transliteration: Shaanta-Aakaaram Bhujaga-Shayanam Padma-Naabham Suresham।
    Vishwa-Dhaaram Gagana-Sadrisham Megha-Varnam Shubhaangam॥
    Meaning: He who is calm, reclining on the serpent, with a lotus-like navel, the lord of gods, supporter of the universe.
  6. ॐ शं नो मित्रः शं वरुणः।
    शं नो भवत्वर्यमा।
    शं नो इन्द्रो बृहस्पतिः।
    शं नो विष्णुरुरुक्रमः॥

    Transliteration: Om Shanno Mitrah Sham Varunah।
    Sham No Bhavatv-Aryamaa।
    Sham No Indro Brihaspatih।
    Sham No Vishnur-Urukramah॥
    Meaning: May Mitra be propitious to us, may Varuna bless us; may Aryama, Indra, Brihaspati, and Vishnu protect us.
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